
The Modern Macroeconomy



  • 講座番号:ga132
  • 受講開始日:2019年1月17日
  • 想定される勉強時間/週:3時間程度


講座内容/Course Outline(English)


Week1: GDP

  • 1-1. GDPとは何か
  • 1-2. GDPはどのように測るのか
  • 1-3. GDPで測れないものは何か
  • 1-4. 国の経済はどのように成長するのか
  • 1-5. GDPと幸福
  • 1-6. 日本の経済成長の過程

Week2: 不平等

  • 2-1. 世界の不平等
  • 2-2. 生産性
  • 2-3. 技術と不平等
  • 2-4. 起業家精神
  • 2-5. 日本の不平等:要因となるもの
  • 2-6. 日本の不平等:政策

Week3: 労働と労働市場

  • 3-1. 雇用と失業
  • 3-2. 労働需要と労働供給
  • 3-3. なぜ失業するのか
  • 3-4. 失業問題
  • 3-5. 日本の労働市場:制度
  • 3-6. 日本の労働市場:正規雇用と非正規雇用

Week4: お金

  • 4-1. お金とは何か
  • 4-2. 貨幣数量説とインフレ
  • 4-3. インフレのコストとメリット
  • 4-4. 中央銀行とは何か
  • 4-5. 中央銀行はどのように準備金を管理しているのか
  • 4-6. マネーサプライと金利


Jess Diamond

ジェス ダイヤモンド

2005年ニューヨーク大学 卒業
2011年カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校 博士後期修了










  • Economics, Global Edition (Acemoglu, D., Laibson, D., and List, J.A. 2015. Pearson.)

The Modern Macroeconomy

Introduction to the Course

In this course students are introduced to some of the most important elements of a modern economy. We study the concepts needed to understand the economy, such as GDP, unemployment and inflation. We also investigate key issues, such as inequality and economic growth.

Note 1. This course is in English, and Japanese subtitles can be displayed only for lectures as a support option.
Note 2. Since this course is lectured in English, the bulletin board will also correspond in English.


  • 1-1. What is GDP?
  • 1-2. How is GDP Measured?
  • 1-3. What Does GDP Not Measure?
  • 1-4. How Does a Country's Economy Grow?
  • 1-5. GDP and Happiness
  • 1-6. Japan's Economic Growth Over Time


  • 2-1. Inequality Around the World
  • 2-2. Productivity
  • 2-3. Technology and Inequality
  • 2-4. Entrepreneurship
  • 2-5. Inequality in Japan: Driving Factors
  • 2-6. Inequality in Japan: Government Policy

Week3:Work and the Labor Market

  • 3-1. Employment and Unemployment
  • 3-2. Labor Demand and Labor Supply
  • 3-3. Why is There Unemployment?
  • 3-4. The Problems of Unemployment
  • 3-5. Japan's Labor Market: Institutions
  • 3-6. Japan's Labor Market: Regular and Non-Standard Employment


  • 4-1. What is Money?
  • 4-2. The Quantity Theory of Money and Inflation
  • 4-3. The Costs and Benefits of Inflation
  • 4-4. What is a Central Bank?
  • 4-5. How Does a Central Bank Manage Reserves?
  • 4-6. The Money Supply and Interest Rates

Bio of Lecturers and Staff

Jess Diamond

Jess Diamond

Jess Diamond is an associate professor of Economics at Hosei University.
He specializes in macroeconomics and finance.
BA New York University, 2005. Ph.D University of California, San Diego, 2011.

Course Requirements

No prerequisites

Course Assignments

There are weekly quizzes and a final quiz with multiple choice questions.

Condition for Completion

A score of 60% or above

Learning Period

4 weeks


  • Economics, Global Edition (Acemoglu, D., Laibson, D., and List, J.A. 2015. Pearson.)


  • 講座番号:ga132
  • 受講開始日:2019年01月17日
  • 想定される勉強時間/週:3時間程度